In This Section
Helping Hands
When you can’t afford what you need to succeed failure seems certain. That is why we created the Helping Hands program. It is a onetime assistance program of up to $500 that can help our clients get what they need to keep moving forward: a new pair of steel toed boots required to start their new job, bus passes so they can get to and from work while they save money to get their car fixed, a laptop computer so they can continue their education. Prospective Helping Hands recipients work with their Service Coordinator to complete their application and determine the amount requested. All applications are then reviewed and approved by our Executive Director prior to being awarded.
Senior Pantry
Low/Fixed income Seniors: In May 2010, a Senior Pantry was established at Plaza Towers to assist the residents with bags of groceries to help stock their shelves until the 1st of the month. 110 Seniors line up on the 4th Saturday of each month for assistance. These Seniors are all on a low/fixed income ranging anywhere from $450 - $850 per month. 1/3 of this goes to their rent and partial utilities leaving very little to survive on each month. Many residents have to chose between food and basic toiletries or co-pays for their prescriptions. The pantry was formed to help and is solely based on donations each month. Kern County has an alarming number of Seniors that live on a fixed income and cannot make ends meet. Food, Basic Toiletries and Undergarments continue to be "Luxury Items" for most. Many are Veterans. Most wives stayed home to raise their children and were thought to have "done life right" with social security promised. Most of the women in Housing are now widows and receive 1/2 of their deceased husbands social security to live on. We need your help in reaching all our precious Seniors in Kern County and making sure each month they have what is needed and are not doing without. We owe them better and they should not be forgotten for their service in building this country.
Jessica's Christmas
Jessica Clement was a young woman with a big heart who started the tradition of giving to the neediest families in Kern County during the Christmas season. Although she is no longer with us, her legacy continues through this event.
Jessica's Christmas benefits families from the low income housing developments for the Housing Authority of the County of Kern by providing a holiday meal to the families.